Emergency Food Program for students at HAGS

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The dire economic situation in Sri Lanka is affecting many people, food is not only scarce it has become so expensive that many people can only afford to eat one meagre meal per day. The principal of HAGS mentioned in her update mid June that quite a number of our scholarship students come to school without having eaten a meal. Although the nuns and teachers are trying their best to share their own food, the number of hungry children is too high for the little food they can spare, since they too are confronted with the high food prices and the scarcity of even staple items like rice, flour, sugar, lentils, etc. 


Since, as one of our supporters said so well, "survival" comes before 'education", our fund decided to provide quick help with an emergency food program, that was worked out together with the principal of the school. Two weeks ago we provided funds* for the nuns to buy staples (rice, vegetables, lentils, etc.) each month, initally until the end of Dec. 2022, after learning that mothers will volunteer and prepare 3 meals per week for about 83+ students. They cannot manage 5 meals per week, but the children will be given a healthy snack on the 2 days when there is no meal. 


*Our estimate is that a full meal will cost US$1.00 per child, with the snack being a little cheaper, i.e. US$16.00 per child per month. 

Every month a list of food items purchased and their the cost will be provided; we sincerely hope that the affected children will benefit from this program. Best would be if it could be stopped soon, but as of now, this does not look likely. 

Following are the first two photos from the start of the program:




The first photo shows the rice and vegetables prepared for the hot meal. The second photo shows the HAGS students lining up to get their portion. 


Please email ifescsf@gmail.com if you should have any questions about this program. 


Thank you. 



Last Updated on Saturday, 06 Aug 2022 12:30