2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - Students and their teacher
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - What is the teacher writing on the board
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - Paying attention to the teacher
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - Working together on an assignment
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - One of our scholarship students
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - One student has the answers
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - A very small class
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - A little bit bigger one
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - A Scholarship Student
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - A hardworking student
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - and another one
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - and another one
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - and another one
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - What is the teacher writing on the board?
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - Older students
2023 Myanmar/Chin State Scholarship Students - and younger ones
  • Students and their teacher
  • What is the teacher writing on the ...
  • Paying attention to the teacher
  • Working together on an assignment
  • One of our scholarship students
  • One student has the answers
  • A very small class
  • A little bit bigger one
  • A Scholarship Student
  • A hardworking student
  • and another one
  • and another one
  • and another one
  • What is the teacher writing on the ...
  • Older students
  • and younger ones